New Brunswick


The Rally was held in Fredericton, N.B., Saturday morning, Oct. 14, 2017 on the lawn of St. Dunstan’s Church near the Statue of Our Lady. It was directly across the street from the bustling Boyce Farmers Market. The Rally was organized by local priest, Rev. Dr. Michael McGowan. He asked for participation from local Fredericton parishioners from Our Lady of Fatima (incl. Fr. Richard Harris), St. Dunstan’s and other local Catholic churches, members of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, the Knights of Columbus Councils, Fredericton Right to Life and others. Catholic passersby from the market also joined in. There were about 40 people in the group and your banners were held up for all to see.

2020 Rally Pictures New Brunswick New Brunswick

141 Henry Street, Miramichi

All the way in the heartland of New Brunswick we unite with all the Rosary Rallies of Canada. Blessed Mother protect us!

New Brunswick New Brunswick


We had two priests to pray and bless us.  Father Claude and Father Daas. We had approximately 30 people. Each year our number of prayerful followers are getting larger.

Unfortunately, because of the pouring rain outside, we had to hold the Rosary Rally inside our local Theatre this year, on 50 Cunard Street in Miramichi, New Brunswick. (It is called the Vogue Theatre. They were very kind and generous to let us go inside. The Theatre is in our busy downtown of our city. We had planned on using their parking lot, but the weather was not cooperating, but it did not keep our faithful Catholics away. Praise Jesus for this truly blessed event for His Holy Mother, Mary.

New Brunswick New Brunswick

Rogersville N.B. Parking near the church.

We were 12 persons praying in the rain and there was a Funeral ending at noon. Many people noticed us.

New Brunswick


May the Holy Face of Jesus shine upon you;
May He be ever gracious to you
May He bless you all the days of your life.

New Brunswick


The Rally was held in Fredericton, N.B., Saturday morning, Oct. 14, 2017 on the lawn of St. Dunstan’s Church near the Statue of Our Lady. It was directly across the street from the bustling Boyce Farmers Market. The Rally was organized by local priest, Rev. Dr. Michael McGowan. He asked for participation from local Fredericton parishioners from Our Lady of Fatima (incl. Fr. Richard Harris), St. Dunstan’s and other local Catholic churches, members of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, the Knights of Columbus Councils, Fredericton Right to Life and others. Catholic passersby from the market also joined in. There were about 40 people in the group and your banners were held up for all to see.

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