
Thank you for making this commitment for Our Lady!

On behalf of everyone here at Canada Needs Our Lady (CNOL), I thank you for your generous donation. By joining our team, you are helping us to eliminate the evil in our culture and convert souls to Our Blessed Mother.

Your financial support will help us to pursue these actions:

  • Spreading the Rosary as the solution indicated by Our Lady of Fatima, especially through the 1,000 Rosary Rallies in October.

Thank you for your generous monthly sacrificial donation! Please be assured that you will be included in our prayers and that a priest especially devoted to Our Lady will be offering up the Mass for your intentions daily.

As long as Her children join together to oppose the evils of our era, the Reign of Her Immaculate Heart will come! Of that I am certain. May God bless you.

We are a registered charity (No. 807291737RR0001). Our tax receipt policy: We issue official tax receipts at the end of January to all donors whose total donations (received) during the preceding calendar year come to $30 or more. Thank you for your kind a generous support. We pray daily for our benefactors and supporters. Please see our fundraising disclosure for more information.

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