
It is called the Irresistible Novena* because it is so effective in getting results – graces and answers to hard problems. 
And always through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Most importantly, by saying this novena, you will gladden the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Promise #11 made by Our Lord Himself specifies that YOUR NAME will be written in His heart — never to be blotted out!

Do you have difficulties and anxieties? Do you sometimes worry about the future? Well, Our Lord came to give you comfort and consolation; as well as a sure way to find peace.

Then read, slowly and prayerfully, all 12 promises He is making to you.

Already, you will feel the graces of His Most Sacred Heart — your refuge and your ocean of Mercy.


*This offer is available ONLY for Canadian residents.
“The names of those who promote this devotion will be written in My Heart, never to be blotted out.” —  Our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

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Thank you for your kind a generous support. We pray daily for our benefactors and supporters.

Please see our fundraising disclosure/tax receipt policy for more information.

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