
Day 7: The Principalities

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Seventh Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Seventh Choir, called the Principalities because You have made them guardians of kingdoms and nations; I offer You, o Lord, the merits of these excellent spirits and those of the glorious Prince Saint Michael, the First Guard of all Christian kingdoms and of Holy Church; and I humbly beg You to guard my soul and body, faculties and senses from all disorder, passion, and temptations. I hope that Your kingdom may come within me, that You alone may rule in it, and that I may joyfully obey Your holy decrees with promptness and enthusiasm. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

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